Fulvic Acid:
The Miracle Dirt
Did you know? Science has determined that the longevity of life is determined by the length of your telomeres. The healthier your DNA, the longer your telomeres, and the longer your lifespan. Telomeres are part of your DNA, but what happens if your DNA is mineral deficient?
Minerals are vital to not only the mitochondrial (energy) function of the cell, but also to the communication between cells to do their function in the body.
That's where fulvic acid comes in! Fulvic gives your cells the needed nutrition at a cellular and a DNA level — which means sustaining the cell, allowing for longer telomeres and a longer life.
What is Fulvic & Humic Acid?
It is chemically active organic matter. It is basically dirt that just happens to contain extremely valuable natural sterols, hormones, fatty acids, polyphenols, ketones, and other phytochemicals. It is full of beneficial bacteria that finds a home in your gut and goes to work.
As far as a nutritional supplement, it is a dream come true. Fulvic acid has been found essential to living things carrying on metabolic processes. It cleanses cells and corrects any imbalances. It scavenges for free radicals and either uses them for energy or eliminates them as waste. Humic/fulvic acid fixes so many mineral deficiencies that every single person will feel a difference. Check out just some of the health benefits with no side effects!
✔️ Reduces inflammation
✔️ Mineral Chelation (increased absorption, easier transfer of minerals)
✔️ Increases oxygen carried by red blood cells
✔️ Reduction of stress-causing hormones
✔️ Prevents cellular mutation during reproduction
✔️ Stimulates “good” gut bacteria and suppresses the “bad”
✔️ Prevents viral diseases
✔️ Protects liver from disease
The list can go on forever!
It is like having a team of friendly chemicals cleansing and healing your body!
Fulvic & Humic Acid + Your Thyroid
Studies have shown fulvic acid can be very beneficial in normalizing the thyroid by increasing hormone production in hypothyroidism and calming activity in cases of hyperthyroidism. Generally, the cause is due to build-up of toxins such as negative emotions, chlorinated substances, viruses, pathogens, infections, pesticides, altered enzymes or hormones, etc. Soil depletion due to over-farming and the standard American diet also wreak havoc on our endocrine system.
THIS RIGHT HERE is the info you wish you had years ago.
Many Wonders of Fulvic & Humic Acid
There have been many studies done on this nutritional supplement — the links below speak for themselves!
Here’s a startling statistic: Due to mineral depletion of agricultural soil, a person would have to eat 26 apples today, in order to get the same amount of iron from a single apple eaten in 1950!
It is becoming incredibly difficult to find nutrient dense food – it simply cannot be found in grocery stores or even most produce markets. Even “organic” fruits and vegetables – though free from pesticides, GMOs & artificial fertilizers – are still being grown in nutrient depleted soil.
The official Rio Earth Summit of the United Nations has concluded that over the past 100 years the mineral levels in agricultural soils has dropped by 85% in North America. And many scientists now believe that it is simply impossible to get sufficient nutrients solely from food anymore. As a result, many doctors and healthcare professionals are looking to Fulvic Acid Supplements to supply the minerals that are missing from our foods.
Fulvic Acid Supplements & Mineral Deficiencies
As soil has been depleted over the last one hundred years, diseases of every kind – including cancer, asthma, diabetes and more – have accelerated. When a person is deficient in even one minerals, their body will start to show symptoms.
Listed below are just a few of the many effects of specific mineral deficiencies:
* Magnesium deficiency: constipation, anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia.
* Zinc deficiency: weakened immune system, eczema, dermatitis or skin problems.
* Selenium deficiency: infertility, abnormal heart function including “Sudden Death Syndrome”.
* Copper deficiency: irregular heartbeat and more severe heart problems.
* Iron deficiency: anemia, fatigue and lethargy.
* Chromium deficiency: Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, anxiety, fatigue.
Simply put, when the body does not have the necessary elements to function correctly, it starts to break down. In fact, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling has stated that every sickness, every disease, and every ailment can be traced to a mineral deficiency.
Hospital studies show that the common cold and related bronchial asthma and respiratory illnesses from infection, can be rapidly cured when patients are treated with fulvic acid. Especially pleasing to parents is the powerful and immediate effect this therapy has on young children. Erchuan Wang et al, Humic acid, 3 (1991)
In hospital studies, profuse otherwise unstoppable bleeding of the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, throat, bronchial and lung areas, related to acute respiratory and viral infections in patients with tuberculosis, heart failure, leukemia, and other serious diseases, were successfully stopped with fulvic acid therapy. Suchen Cao, Jiangxi Humic Acid, 3 (1993)
Hospital studies showed that serious and acute cases of chronic bronchitis were better treated and cured with fulvic acid (96.77% cure rate) that worked significantly better than conventional drug therapy. Symptoms of inflammation, coughing, sputum and asthma, were also much better alleviated. Jingrong Chen et al, jiangxi humic acid, 2 (1984)
Asthma and lung infections on the rise in all age groups Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways. When not diagnosed or properly treated, asthma can lead to a host of social and financial problems. Hospital studies show that the common cold and related bronchial asthma and respiratory illnesses from infection, can be rapidly cured when patients are treated with fulvic acid. Especially pleasing to parents is the powerful and immediate effect this therapy has on young children. Erchuan Wang et al, Humic acid, 3 (1991)
New research by Dr. David L. Hahn of Dean Medical Center, Madison, Wisconsin, shows that pneumonia related respiratory disease and acute bronchitis caused by chlamydia pneumoniae appear to be the cause of most asthma. His recent studies show that asthma patients have been found to have a high level of antibodies for chlamydia pneumoniae, which seems to be a common denominator among asthma sufferers. Dr. Hahn believes that chlamydia antibody detection can be an effective tool in diagnosing asthma. In hospital studies, profuse otherwise unstoppable bleeding of the mucousmembranes of the nose, mouth, throat, bronchial and lung areas, related to acuterespiratory and viral infections in patients with tuberculosis, heart failure, leukemia, and other serious diseases, were successfully stopped with fulvic acid therapy. Suchen Cao, Jiangxi Humic Acid, 3 (1993)
Extensive research of HMO studies conducted from 1967-1987 showed that “prevalence of asthma increased steadily and significantly…in both males and females in all age ranges.” These findings were reported in the April 1998 issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Although the data in those studies does not go beyond 1987, then researchers found that “more recent national data suggest that these increases are continuing.” The weight of the evidence for an ongoing rise in asthma, they conclude, “is growing steadily.” Hospital studies showed that serious and acute cases of chronic bronchitis were better treated and cured with fulvic acid (96.77% cure rate) that worked significantly better than conventional drug therapy. Symptoms of inflammation, coughing, sputum and asthma, were also much better alleviated. Jingrong Chen et al, jiangxi humic acid, 2 (1984)
Studies have shown that fulvic acid helps to neutralize radiation and reduce or eliminate its effects on the body. “Radioactive elements have an affinity for humic and fulvic acids. They form organo-metal complexes of different adsorptive stability and solubility. Uranium and plutonium are influenced by humic substances as are other polluting metals, each being solubilized and absorbed, thereby annihilating the specific radioactivity.”(W.R. Jackson PhD. (1993) Humic, Fulvic, and Microbal Balance: Organic Soil Conditioning (pp. 762-763).)
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Fulvic acid exhibits potent anti-fungal activity that fights candida. A 2012 study conducted by UK researchers on a range of about 50 clinical candida strains demonstrates fulvic acid's potent ability to fight candida overgrowth and infections.
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What Sets Alpha Bios Apart?
Why is Alpha Bios Superior?
✔️ Food-Grade Manufacturing Facility
As part of our commitment to the highest standards of product quality and safety, we utilize food-grade manufacturing equipment and systems to produce and package our humic and fulvic acid products. Our manufacturing protocol and procedures are compliant with current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) as outlined in Part 3 of the Natural Health Products Regulations (SOR/2003-196).
✔️ Patented Fulvic Isolation Technology™
We use an innovative production process that leverages physical principles to extract the many fractions of humic substances, including humic and fulvic acid. Having diverged from the industry-standard residue-adding base-acid reactions, we are unbound by the constraints of chemical extraction. We select and isolate compounds at the molecular level and are therefore able to produce traditional and custom products that are concentrated, environmentally friendly, and purer than alternative fulvic mineral products.
✔️ Premium Humic & Fulvic Acid Feedstock
Our products are derived from a humus deposit located in Canada. This material is remarkably high in humic and fulvic acids while low in undesirable ash and heavy metals common to other feedstocks from which competitor products are manufactured. We preserve the purity of this premium material within our patented isolation technology to produce products of superior quality.
✔️ Natural Humic Substances Profile
Humic substances are a heterogeneous mix of humified compounds with complex chemical structures. Unlike classical methods that exclude compounds according to their solubility at unnatural pH levels, our FIT™ system retains the diversity of this mix without compromise to the stability, utility, and total performance of these materials as found in nature.
✔️ Fully Pasteurized
Our products are fully pasteurized to protect their purity and comply with regulatory standards of quality and safety regarding the presence of pathogenic bacteria. They are optimized for applications with sensitive biomes and where product quality is strictly controlled.
✔️ Advanced Drying Technology
Our humic and fulvic acid mineral powder products are finished using a state-of-the-art drying technology designed to maintain the quality of our food-grade products. This results in a lightweight crystalline structure for exceptional dissolution and dispersibility within aqueous solutions and superb mixability with other materials.
✔️ Our Testing Standards
We’re dedicated to the development and manufacture of pure, safe, and effective humic substances. The veracity of reporting humic substance content is of extreme importance. The Humic Products Trade Association (HPTA) and International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) have developed a new testing method for the determination of the hydrophobic fulvic acid fraction of humic products. This method was first published in the Journal of AOAC International and his since been approved by the American Association of Plant Food Chemist Officials (AAPFCO) and the International Standards Organization (ISO) for international recognition and use. As part of our commitment to product quality, we are pleased to recognize the HPTA method, commonly referred to as the Lamar Method, as the new standard for identifying the hydrophobic fulvic acid fraction of humic substances.