• Energy is a term we use to describe the dynamic movement found at the very core of life. Everything around us, from gases and liquids to solids, is composed of atoms. These atoms, bustling with electrons and protons, are constantly vibrating with energy.

    In the realm of quantum physics, we delve into the study of these particles at their sub-atomic levels, helping us understand the perpetual motion of atoms. The concept of "energy" serves as a simplified way to describe this constant state of creation in motion.

    When I discuss energy in my conversations or writings, I'm referring to the electrical currents that flow through our bodies, each carrying a charge that influences our physiological state.

    Indeed, all matter emits energy. This includes the words we speak, the electricity that powers our homes, the speed of our movements, and even our thoughts. Each form of energy can trigger specific reactions within us. Consider, for instance, how your heart might race when you worry about a loved one driving home late at night—this is a direct response to the energy of your thoughts impacting your physical body.

  • Integrative medicine operates on the belief that true health is achieved by bringing a person into balance on all levels: emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. The focus of this approach is to use various therapies to support the body's natural ability to restore balance and achieve a state of homeostasis.

    In contrast, allopathic medicine often — but not always — tends to focus on addressing symptoms through pharmaceuticals, surgery, and other medical interventions. This traditional approach can be effective for immediate relief and specific conditions, but it may not always consider the holistic view of health that integrative medicine emphasizes.

  • Meridians are the pathways in our body through which energy flows, similar to other systems that define our physical functions. Just as the circulatory system consists of veins and arteries, and the nervous system comprises a complex network of nerves spread throughout the body, meridians serve as channels for energy. These energy pathways are integral to all bodily systems, influencing every function.

    Research using modern technology supports the existence and significance of these energy pathways. Studies utilizing EEGs, EKGs, MRIs, and PET scans have demonstrated the ability to detect the flow of energy along these meridians, further validating their crucial role in our overall health and well-being.

  • At its core, any modality that interacts with the meridian energy to restore balance falls into this category. Energy modalities employ a variety of techniques and approaches to shift energy, facilitating change and promoting the restoration of wholeness. These practices work to harmonize the flow of energy throughout the body, helping to enhance well-being and support healing on multiple levels.

  • Energy psychology is a gentle yet powerful practice that focuses on easing psychological distress through the restoration of the body's bio-meridian points. Our bodies and minds—both conscious and subconscious—hold onto intense emotions at these specific points. When something in our present life echoes a past trauma, it can activate a part of our Autonomic Nervous System known as the Sympathetic Nervous System. This activation may trigger a fight, flight, or freeze response, influencing how we react in those moments.

    This approach to healing helps us understand and mitigate these reactions by nurturing the energy flow within our bodies, allowing us to find a calmer, more centered state of being.

  • Muscle testing involves isolating a muscle to detect energetic shifts in the body, revealing a direct correlation between muscle strength and the truth or falsehood of a statement.

    For instance, if my husband is being tested and he holds his arm out firmly while stating that he is a man, his arm will remain strong because this statement is true for him. Conversely, if he claims that he is a woman, his arm will weaken. This weakening signifies incongruence—his body's way of showing that his statement does not align with his subconscious belief, causing the muscle to falter under the pressure of a false statement. In essence, the body is bolstered by truth and sapped by falsehoods.

    Muscle testing serves as a practical tool for simple "yes" or "no" answers, helping to pinpoint stored emotions, beliefs, and even toxins. However, it is not a method for predicting the future; it only provides insight into what is already known by the subconscious mind.

    When an energy blockage is identified, techniques such as prayer, the use of magnets, or setting intentions can be employed to alleviate or remove these obstacles, facilitating a return to energetic harmony.

  • I am a strong supporter of counseling and recognize its valuable role. However, it's important to note that traditional therapy primarily engages the conscious mind, which inherently does not opt for negative reactions. Consciously, we all would choose health, wholeness, and joy.

    Yet, it is the subconscious mind that harbors negative emotions, beliefs, and thoughts—deep-seated elements that traditional therapy might not reach. These aspects, often overlooked, require attention and healing, which can effectively be addressed through energy medicine. This approach delves deeper, targeting the root causes stored in our subconscious to promote true healing and transformation.

  • 'm going to explore a few questions with questions, and then provide some answers!

    Q&A #1: "Who gets the glory when someone is healed?" The answer to this question really depends on the heart of the person responding. For those who strive to live in submission to the Lord, our praise and worship are directed toward the One True God when He chooses to use any modality to free, restore, and heal one of His children.

    Q&A #2: "What good comes from someone being healed?" The benefits of healing are profound. As individuals are set free and restored to wholeness, they often find greater joy and are better equipped to carry out the work God has called them to do.

    This leads us to another question, "Is muscle testing from God?" This inquiry stems from our desire to avoid engaging in anything unreal, false, or manipulative—anything that God would not endorse. We must always be vigilant against deception, yet we also must be careful not to attribute good to evil. This is reflected in the teachings of Jesus, suggesting that if even flawed earthly fathers can give good gifts to their children, how much more will our Heavenly Father provide for those who ask? For instance, if a son asks for a fish, he will not be given a serpent—implying that God, who is infinitely good, provides genuinely good things to those who seek Him (Matthew 7; Luke 11 NKJV).

    As we delve into areas like energy medicine, or anything new and outside the conventional scope, it's crucial to approach with sincerity and discernment. But this alone isn't sufficient. We must also engage in research and investigation to validate our findings. We don't leave our understanding unsupported by scientific evidence, nor do we forsake seeking God and His wisdom to guide us through our discoveries.

    James 1:17 reinforces this, stating, "Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow" (NASB). This verse reminds us that God is constant and filled with light, devoid of deception or inconsistency, allowing us to confidently recognize and celebrate the good that comes from Him.

  • We serve a God of order. The concept of energy flowing through our bodies, designed by the Creator Himself, is not a novel idea. When this energy becomes blocked, distorted, or impeded, we are blessed with tools and wisdom to restore our bodies to homeostasis—maintaining internal stability amidst external fluctuations.

    As we delve into the topic of energy medicine, it's important to clarify that my role is not to convince you, but rather to present and explore these concepts based on my research and application of these modalities. Your journey in understanding and possibly integrating these principles into your life is your own. I am here to provide insights and a starting point, and I encourage you to adopt a redemptive heart posture, rejoice in the understanding that all healing comes from God, and pursue your own investigations into what is discussed here.

    In choosing practitioners to conduct energy work or muscle testing, I specifically seek those who are fully submitted to the Lord. If a practitioner uses "spirit guides" or other entities, delves into mysticism, or it becomes apparent that a modality does not align with my commitment to honoring God, I step away. My priority is to engage in practices that reflect my desire to please God and uphold His order.

  • Yes and no – but don’t let this confuse you. Just as I cannot physically show you electricity, WiFi, or even find the exact phrase “The Trinity” in the Bible, it doesn’t mean these concepts are inherently evil or non-existent. We can’t dismiss something as unreal or invalid simply because it isn’t explicitly defined in the Bible.

    Consider this thought: The written name of God in Hebrew contains no vowels. The word “Yahweh” consists of four breath-like sounds. God’s name itself is synonymous with the act of breathing. The Hebrew word for “spirit” or “breath” is Ruwach, often used to describe the Spirit of God. This breath is described as “the breath of life” that God breathes into every living thing. When this breath departs, life ceases.

    The creation narrative itself showcases the power of spoken words as a form of energy that sustains life. This same life-giving energy resides within us, animated by the Holy Spirit.

    Scripture underscores the profound impact of our words and thoughts:

    “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” - Proverbs 18:21

    “Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.” - Proverbs 4:23

    “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” - Proverbs 23:7

    If you’re intrigued and wish to delve deeper, I encourage you to use a concordance and explore these terms further: Ruwach (#7308), Chay (#2416), and Pneuma (#4151). This research can offer deeper insights into the interconnectedness of spirit, life, and breath in biblical context.

  • Not necessarily but there are plenty of people with beautiful, miraculous stories.

    Stored emotions, thoughts, and beliefs are simply energy. This energy can have a powerful effect on the body. For example, it is well known that anxiety causes acidosis and acidosis leads to a myriad of diseases.

    While emotions, thoughts, and beliefs play a pivotal role in our health, there may be other lifestyle factors that are causing toxicity in the body. These toxicities may be caused by poor nutrition, environmental toxins, toxins in household or beauty products, EMFs, unclean water, etc.

    There are many studies that show undealt with emotions cause disease, and once they are released the physical body can begin to heal. We are doing the good work of giving the body the best opportunity to come into balance. Once emotions are released, they are released for the good of other bodily systems.

  • Please fill out your INTAKE PAPERWORK completely.

    It is recommended to drink water before each Emotional Release Therapy session. Good cellular hydration helps your sessions to be more effective and may ease the Processing Period.

    Following your initial visit, I will recommend any additional testing and customize a treatment plan for you based on your body’s needs and response.

    You will receive a Session Report within 24 hours following your session, as well as an invitation to schedule your next session.

  • If there's a particular experience or event that has significantly impacted you and may be contributing to your current challenges, please feel free to mention it on your intake form or in discussions with me. You can share as much as you feel comfortable with; transparency can be incredibly beneficial to the healing process. Often, simply focusing your attention on this experience is enough for me to determine if there are any stored energies or emotions related to it that need to be addressed.

  • An inherited trapped emotion is a fragment of emotional energy passed down from a parent at the moment of conception, traveling along with the DNA and other physical materials — through the egg from your mother or the sperm from your father.

    It’s important to distinguish between "Inherited emotions" and "Absorbed emotions." Inherited trapped emotions are precisely that—inheritances that occur at conception and are as fixed as any genetic trait you receive from your parents. These cannot be acquired any time after you are conceived.

    Conversely, "Absorbed emotions" can occur at any point in your life. This happens when you take in the emotional energy generated by another person, which can include a family member. While inherited emotions are embedded from the start, absorbed emotions are those you pick up from the environment or individuals around you after you are born.

    Both inherited and absorbed emotions can be integrated into the Heart-Wall. These trapped energies can stretch back multiple generations and have significant impacts on your emotional and physical health. We can assist in identifying and releasing both types of trapped emotions, helping to clear these inherited and absorbed energies from your system.

  • This question comes up often, and the answer truly varies from person to person. Your intake session is designed to be effective and to give you a firsthand experience of the benefits of Emotional Release Therapy.

    If you have been dealing with severe emotional trauma, stress, or abuse, particularly if it has been a part of your life for a long time, it may require more than one session to fully release and process all the trapped emotions associated with that trauma. After your initial visit, based on your individual goals, needs, and how you respond to the first session, I will recommend the number of additional sessions needed. Typically, this involves 3-5 sessions, scheduled no more than one week apart to ensure continuity and effectiveness in your healing process. Your practitioner will provide guidance on the best approach for your optimal healing.

    Once the major traumas have been addressed, many clients find it beneficial to return once or twice a month for maintenance sessions. This helps to sustain the gains made and supports ongoing emotional health. You also have the flexibility to choose weekly or bi-weekly sessions if that suits your needs better.

Common Questions.